Saturday, November 21, 2009

This picture is of Gordie Benko. Gordie and Ana live in Pacifica in California which is just south of San Francisco on the coast. It is the Waikiki Beach of Northern California. Yes! They pray for Global Warming! If this offends someone, sorrrry! Shee, do you know how cold the water there is?

I have known Gordie since the early 60’s. We both graduated from Kailua Shore break and High School too! Amazing! Any ways, this picture of Gordie is with his trophies. He won the biggest piece of drift wood found and the …, nah, juz kidding. These are actually surfing trophies. Each, first place trophies. One of the trophies is for the Men’s Division and the other is for the …. Nah, juz kidding. Okay, serious: One trophy is for the long board Men’s Division and the other was for the Men’s short board Division. There! I did it. That was truthful and factual. Can you at least figure out which trophy was for short board and which was for long board?

The following is what this 1st Place Kupuna Kahuna Men’s Division Long Board and Men’s Short Board Division has to say about Pau Pilau Biological Wetsuit Cleaner:

“ At some point or another you are going to pee in your wetsuit or even break a smelly sweat.”

(Naaah, Gordie! You pee in your wetsuit! Hooo, how disgusting! I would neva!)

“I finally found something that really cleans my wetsuit and keeps it smelling clean and also from breaking down. Pau Pilau really works and it is such an easy process. Any one of us can handle. Try it. It works!”

Gordie Benko, 61, ‘Lifelong Surfer’ The 2009 Kahuna Kupuna Surf Contest Men’s Division, Pacifica, Ca.

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