Thursday, October 1, 2009

What is Pau Pilau?

Pau Pilau is the name of our Biological Cleaner.
The name is Hawaiian. Pau means 'end' or 'Terminate'. Pilau means 'stench'. Pau Pilau means 'end the stench!'
The name 'Pau Pilau' was not just a casual, 'Oh, that's cool!' or 'That's cute!' name.
We would like to introduce to you the idea that in the world we live in there is a real need for consciousness for a cleaner environment and a cleaner, neater and nicer human.
Pau Pilau means acknowledge that there is a certain responsibility that each of us needs to constantly excercise for our own well being and for humanity and our world. In Hawaii there is a heart felt saying: Malama O Aina! "Take care the land!"
Many Hawaiians are heart broke to see the careless manner in which many peoples of the world have no regard for the land.
Pau Pilau!

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