Saturday, October 3, 2009

How does it work?

"Amazing stuff!" - Paul Summers, Larrry Block Distribution (Blocksurf) Surf Accessories.

"Pau Pilau is the best wet-suit cleaner I've ever used! I recommend it highly"- Ann Fielding,
acclaimed Marine Biologist and author.

Pau Pilau Biological Wetsuit cleaner is an amazing product. A revolutionary break through in cleaning and conditioning of neoprene.

Consisting of engineered bacteria tested and proven to be 100% effective in cleaning neoprene.

The bacteria or bacillus comprising Pau Pilau liquefy and digest organic waste resident in neoprene cell material in a natural process through the enzyme pathways they produce. Bacteria consume - digest - liquefy algae, urine, mold, organic waste, leaving neoprene 100% clean. The Pau Pilau formulation of bateria is reactive to its environment (activated in water on noprene) which produces hundreds, thousands of specific enzymes which totally digest all the waste until it is completely gone! Completely clean! The by-product is water and carbon dioxide.

So when your wetsuit is soaked and saturated in Pau Pilau Biological Wetsuit Cleaner solution, when it dries it is 100% clean!

As I tell all our Pau Pilau customers, when you use Pau Pilau you will be able to put your wetsuit and booties on your coffee table. Have your morning cup of coffee before you get in the water and it will not run you out of the house. Just like a brand new wetsuit!

Pau (end) Clean!

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