Monday, October 5, 2009

Freeline Surf Shop - Santa Cruz

Brittany, left and Tara, right are the Managers of Freeline Surf Shop in Santa Cruz.

They had an interesting experience with Pau Pilau.
Freeline is a tremendously popular Surf Shop on 41st Street. Their rentals is large. With in a two or three block area you have maybe 6 or 7 major surf shops.
This is were the action is.

This was interesting to me because right across the street is Billabong and just up the street is O'Neill's two of the biggest international lines of Surf Shops and yet a flow of customers were going through the doors at Freeline.

When I was introducing Pau Pilau to all the shops, giving them quarts and samples to test and have tested by their customers, several of the shops personal asked me, 'Is Freeline carrying Pau Pilau?'

Here is what happened at Freeline. In the back of their shop they have a large drying room for all their wetsuit rentals. Rows of wetsuits on pipes to hang the wetsuits. Big fans blowing to help the drying process.

If you have not experienced a unclean wetsuit you will not understand what I am going to attempt to discribe. So here goes: Have you ever walked along a beach and come upon a pile of kelp -seaweed, rotting in the sun? Have you ever smelled it? A fellow acquintance referred to un-clean wetsuits as the back-side of a dead dog.

So Tara arrived in the morning at Freeline and opens the front doors. She is standing here and realizes by the sound, or more accurately by the lack of sound that they had forgotten to turn on the fans in the wetsuit drying room. She literally panicked! This had happend before and they had to reclean the wetsuits and deoderize the entire shop.

She rushed to the back of the shop and entered the wetsuit drying room and suddenly it dawned on her that their was a rather pleasant aroma. Nothing like the rotten pile of kelp that she fully expected to greet her. She stood there and looked around wondering what the heck? It was then that she saw the bottle of Pau Pilau next to the soaking tub were they soak and saturate the wetsuits. She walked over to the table and picked up the opened bottle of Pau Pilau. 'This stuff is incredible! Our wetsuits have never smelled so good!'

She went over to the booties rack and dared to do the ultimate test of all tests for wetsuit cleaners. She lifted and inverted a bootie. She sniffed the air. Humm! Nothing! She put it by her nose and sniffed again! Wow! 'Pau Pilau really works!'

So to answer the question posed by the personal of all the other shops in Santa Cruz and for that matter, any where in the world: "Yes! Freeline sales Pau Pilau!"

You can call Brittany and Tara (831) 476-2950.

ps: several of the other shops carry Pau Pilau as well. Now!

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