Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Available where?

Pau Pilau is available at all major surf shops along the West Coast of the USA. It is available in 8oz., Quarts, and gallons.

It is distributed by Blocksurf - the primary surfing accessories supplier for both East and West Coast USA.

It is also available on line. Just Google it!

Try it! You will not be disappointed! Guaranteed or your money back.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Haut Surfboards, Santa Cruz

Jeff, the Manager of Haut Surfboards.

You know that you have got a great product when you have it endorsed by the establishment. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that the other shops in Santa Cruz are less of an authority by standard but these guys are surfers that have been in Santa Cruz since the beginning.

How many times was I told when I brought Pau Pilau into the shops, 'Okay we'll try it!' (we know nothing works but what the hell!)

Next visit: Hey Bob! Pau Pilau really works! Everybody has tried it and it's great!

Thanks Jeff! Thanks Doug!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Helm of Sun Valley

Hello and Happy Holidays,

Well, we rinsed our rental booties and wetsuits with Pau Pilau at the end of the wind/kite season with great results...the place we teach and rent is a 3rd Ave San Mateo...this place is all bay mud and duck poop...it stinks...bad...and you know everyone pisses in their wetsuit...

To my amazement; the final result was superb...NO SMELL AT ALL...that bay mud and water is the worst smelling stuff in the water world...your product just killed it! ...

But wait; that’s not all... Being curious about this stuff I tried it on my own stuff...I followed you directions and used the recommended correct amount. I was surprised to find the water so dark...this stuff removed plenty of dirt and body oil from a suit that is rinsed thoroughly with fresh water after every session... Wow...It's Great... Far better than anything I have used before..

Come in and get an order for spring,


We endorse Pau Pilau Biological Wetsuit Cleaner! It is the best Wetsuit Cleaner that we are aware of. Pau Pilau is what we use to clean ALL of our rental wetsuits. Over the years we have received wetsuit cleaning products from all over the world. We have tested them all. Pau Pilau is our choice. All of our customers have the assurance that they are renting and putting on a wetsuit that we guarantee is clean! Thank you Pau Pilau!

Surf Camp Pacifica is owned and operated by Log Shop.

This guy is me! This is the guy that is writing all this stuff. Taking all these notes and quotes and pictures. Would you buy Pau Pilau from this guy?

“Pau Pilau is the best wetsuit cleaner in the world! We will take the Pepsi challenge anytime!

What do you think? You think all these shops and their surfers are on the take? Haa! Do I look rich? I’m just trying to get by like you. I surf when I can. But most of all, I will not sacrifice my soul for a buck. Hey, I came upon something that really works. Here it is!
Pau Pilau. You will never have to pull a stinky wetsuit on your body again!


Brenden, (pictured here) and Greg and all the rest of the gang at Tait’s LOG SHOP SURF SHOP in Pacifica have this to say about Pau Pilau:
“Our wetsuits smell like wetsuits. Pure neoprene. Thank you Pau Pilau!”


Who ever knows Carl at Nor Cal Surf Shop also knows that he is a really nice guy.
Of course he is joking around here in this picture, but check this out. One day I went into their shop to give them Pau Pilau to try. I gave them a couple of quarts to use on their rentals and some samples to use for themselves. That was the first time that I actually met him- like introduced myself. I had seen him before but not talked with him. About a week later I came into the shop.

Carl: Hey! What’s your name? That stuff is great. The guys in the wetsuit rentals say it’s the best stuff that they have ever used. I used it. It’s great!

Bob: Cool. You know, I of course knew that would be your reaction. Thanks for checking it out. I really appreaciate it.

Carl: We are through checking it out. We want it! We are going to use it on all our rentals and I am definitely using it on my own wetsuit!